Polar Explorer Eric Larsen
TIA - This is Antarctica
sunny and 0 degrees F
13 November 2009 | Antarctica
It's been a whirlwind of activity since yesterday morning when we got the green light to fly. Special thanks go to all the ALE staff who made the transition from land to ice so smooth.

Extra kudos go to the Russian flight crew who piloted the big Illushyn and landed it on an undulating runway of ice. That's right... Ice!!! I have to admit I was a bit nervous when the wheels first touched down, but realistically it was all smooth sailing. Or landing as the case may be.

None of us could believe our luck at the warm (relatively) weather and blue skies. So perfect were the conditions that we were more worried about sunburn than frostbite.

Antarctica! The place where my dreams have lived for so long. From our small temporary outpost nestled close to the patriot hills themselves all I can see is ice and sky. To feel important here is to simply ignore the vastness and grandure of this place. This is truly one of the last great frozen places left on the planet.

Being here now, I realize, I must double my efforts. This snowscape is so delicate. No longer immutable to change Antarctica, faces a dire fate unless we act now to reduce carbon emissions.

My fate is equally tied to this place for the next two months. What will I learn? How will I change? Right now there is still too much work to do before flying to our starting point at Hercules Inlet to be philosophical. TIA - this is Antarctica.

Image: The plane that lands on ice.

Remember, it's cool to be cold. Save the Poles. Save the planet.

For more information, please visit www.savethepoles.com

For information about guided Antarctic expeditions, please visit http://www.antarctic-logistics.com/

For media inquiries, please contact lora@screamagency.com

For technical inquires, please contact webexpeditions.net
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