07 Dec 2006
You can see the video clips in your own home of Roz on her boat Sedna during the Atlantic Rowing Race.
DVD can be ordered from this website. Click on Support Roz, then Donate, to order through PayPal.
Prices: GBP 5
USD 10
EUR 8 All including packing and postage.
SALE: Plenty of her Peru calendars still available at reduced prices: GBP 4, USD 10, EUR 8 including packing and postage.
If you have a problem using PayPal, contact Roz direct to place an order. Items will be dispatched from the UK.
It's always inspiring to hear of people pushing the boundaries - all the more so when they are suffering from serious disability. I was invited today to crew on a mother ship for a quadriplegic sailor, Geoff Holt, who is aiming to sail around the coast of Britain - a challenge I would find impossible even with the use of all my limbs.
Unfortunately my schedule won't allow me to take up the invitation, but I've done what I can by making a contribution to RYA Sailability, Geoff's chosen charity. If you want to support him too, then click here to go to his JustGiving page.
Today was my ocean rowboat Sedna's anticipated arrival date in Miami. I rang the handling agents to find out if she had indeed arrived.
The first time I tried the entire department was out to lunch. The second time I tried I got through to someone who didn't know how to use her computer screen. The third time I found someone who could tell me something, although not necessarily the thing I wanted to hear...
Sedna is still gadding about in the Caribbean, most likely Trinidad, although who knows. Her ETA in Miami is now 11th December. I am so glad that circumstances conspired to prevent me being there waiting for her. She is already 4 weeks overdue, and 10 days still to go. At least. I would have been going crazy. And broke.
Why does EVERYTHING involving boats take so much longer than expected? Speaking of which, we went into town to try and buy replacements for Jangada's lightning-fried electronics today. But it's some random Mexican bank holiday, that happens once every six years, to hand over the reins of power to the new president. Great.
[Photo: the last time I saw Sedna, in Hugh Bailey's boatyard in Antigua]
Previous Posts on Sedna's Caribbean Tour:
Sedna Still Holidaying in Caribbean - 27 Nov
The Strange Voyage of Sedna Solo
Steve Roberts sent me this story today - a container-load of Doritos washed up on a beach in North Carolina. Two thoughts occur to me:
1. I am glad that these plastics washed up on shore before they could kill any marine life. There is far too much plastic contaminating the world's oceans already.
2. I am hoping that the container carrying Sedna did not suffer a similar fate...